vintage suitcases

i have vintage suitcases filled with memories of the last 9 years of my life, since Alayna was born.that is when i started my obsession with photography. i didn't want to forget one precious detail, one celebration, or one mundane day so i strung my days together in photographs, printed them and buried them in vintage suitcases i've collected through the years.
the day after Christmas, she ask me if we could go through the pictures. at first i hesitated, ugh, dreading through the old suitcases but then i said, yes. so we dug them out and as soon as i opened the top, they came spilling out onto the carpet. some stuck together (i wish i had taken the time to carefully place them neatly by years in precious cute photo albums) but why start making things easy now? 
that day we poured over the memories as if she was seeing herself for the first time, and i was catching up with an old friend i hadn't seen for ages.
just me and my girl. i shared the stories with her behind each photograph she asked me about.
it was a beautiful day between my granddaughter and i. and i will cherish it every time i think of it.
the day after christmas this year was good, the hustle and bustle of christmas behind us and nothing to do but
just be...
with her...


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