friday is...

friday is...
waking up to this sweet little gem. because the roads were so bad yesterday we decided it was best if mommy didn't drive in after work to pick up little missy, so i had an over-night guest.
she is such a sweet tub of cuteness i can't stand it.
you just look at her and she starts smiling from ear to ear. it was so nice sleeping next to her last night even if she did wake me up in the middle of the night to stick her binkie back in her mouth. i'll gladly lose a little sleep for that. 
the house is placate now that my baby girl has gone home and i'll patiently wait on baited breath for next wednesday when she will once again be in my arms and my heart will be full. i'll breathe in that softness of her and carry it around in my heart.
not much has changed with my sister. my heart still continues to break for her day after day. and i still continue to feel helpless and hopeless for her.

the snow has melted for the time being and things are in a lull right now, the curtains are drawn open and the sun is streaming in a beautiful haze across the hardwood floors. winter makes me lazy. it makes me not want to do anything but curl up inside with a cup of warm tea and a good book.
today there are bills to pay, and tiny bits of wood scattered from last night's fire to sweep up. 
my pinkie finger is still badly messed up...i know i should go to the doctor but i just can't afford another doctor bill especially if it needs surgery, im paying off hospital bills, dentist bills, maternity bills now, i feel as if im barely staying afloat in this stack of medical bills that glares at me from my desk, so i run and hide. 
for now.


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