Blah January

i've been waist deep in sadness this month. January, blah, my least favorite month of the year. she is always so disappointing with her wicked weather, gray skies and leaving me cooped up in the house for days on end. 
nothing good ever happens in January, only one thing in 1987. since then she's been like a sore thought. february brings with her the anxiousness of only one more short month and March will blow in with her gusty winds, and spring will soon be on her way.
but january, i could do without her.
January i wander thru the house staring at the same four walls, floating from room to room. i was going to go out today but high winds,  below minus temps and blowing snow have me stuck inside, again. 
I glance out the window, the trees stand frigid, their limbs hanging low with a mound of snow weighing them down to the ground, red christmas bows still left  on banisters howl in protest and evergreens dance to an unknown song they would rather forget and the snow is pushed up against the fence. 
January is a reminder...
keep remembering to breathe.


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