
every day i wake up to the same thing...the agony of my sister's heart, broken, and i think maybe just this time, broken for good. many things shattered ...hope, happiness, and the wonderful feeling of a sense of peace and comfort have been snatched away from her in just 4 months time.
she is my sister, my friend, my twin. and even though i tried for years to give her advice, look out for her, advise her, she refuses to listen to me. maybe she can't. maybe that alcohol has a stronger grip on her heart than love, peace, and happiness.  this is the lowest i have ever seen her, and my heart is breaking with hers. i can't fix this, no one can.  she just doesn't have it in her to fight her way out of this tiny box she has found herself in. this tiny cramped box that for years I have been warning her about.
it's heartbreaking when you can't save someone you love. no matter how many times you pick them up and glue them back together again, eventually the glue doesn't hold anymore. eventually all those broken pieces still stay broken.
and my heart shatters with hers 
i love you sissy


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