Thursday Is...

thursday 1.18.18  - today is warmer and sweet snuggles with my girl teagie, its melted snow dripping from the roof and plopping on my head when I walked thru the back door...
its a trip to the grocery store for a couple of things and leaving $150.00 later...always! it's having the window cracked in the car and wind in my hair.
it's booking 2 photo shoots and sending out emails.
it's tiptoeing into my room to snap photos of a sleeping babe that holds my heart and never enough luscious hugs to fit into 2 days.

it was yummy Reubens for dinner and laying under mounds of blankets in bed watching Netflix.
and a night fighting for sleep to come.
friday: 1.19.18

EEEKKKK, I love JoAnn and Chips new line at Target! i can see a few things in my near future

got mama out of the house for a little while today. the last couple weeks its been below 0 and that is just too cold for her to go out in, it takes her breath away.
the snow is melting by the end of tomorrow it will most likely be gone which is fine by me. im now into my "Spring Mode"
hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


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