An evening with Cate

i love seeing her smile, confident in herself...
she doubts herself too much and its refreshing when she lets loose
and allows herself to have fun, to actually live in the moment.
she likes to act like she's this big bad-ass. she's 16. i don't know do they all act like that at 16. i can't remember with tyler and alexis....
she's a home body, i guess she gets that from me....she is a lot like her brother, tyler.
withdrawal and keeps her feelings hidden inside....
its very hard to get her to share how she's feeling...
thats hard for me as her mother
november is starting to feel like november
chilly and wet, leaves soaked to the streets....
the sky lit up wednesday night when the Cubs won....people were letting firecrackers off, at first cate and i thought they were gunshots and we were a little freaked out, then we realized. bella was nearly barging through the back door to get inside with mazzy right behind her.
my sierra was never afraid of firecrackers....but then she was my special girl.
so yeah, it's november
but october is still trying to hang on
i am going to enjoy the quiet moments left
before the holidays arrive with a bang
as they always do..leaving me overwhelmed and exhausted.



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