the Election....


OK, don't kill the

first of all, i am not voting this year. how could i under any good oath go in and decide which idiot to vote for. im so damn disgusted with they way this whole campaign has been run with both of our candidates acting as if they are in junior high school.
and what  really gets under my skin and twitches like the pain of a fresh deep wound  is the thought that WE the american people allowed these to be are choices...
no president ever does say what they say there are going to you really believe they care about the american people? hell no. they care about filling their pockets, and control.

i dont understand the world we live in today, nor do i understand the people. the craziness. and it continues to get worse on a daily basis. im too the point now, i don't even turn on the news, my stomach can't bear it...everything is bad news, things in dissray, our country is falling apart and i hate to say this....but there are times i hate to admit being an american. 
 the idiots who run it have destroyed it.
our government is corrupt and greedy as fuck.
it literally rips my heart out at the coldness and non-compassion people have these days.
God is coming. this is all marked in Revelations 
everything God predicted is happening...
and its happening right now people!

i truly believe we are in our final days. no i don't think its going to happen tomorrow or next year, but 
so make sure you are in the hands of Jesus when it comes...



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