Beautiful Disaster

spooling images cross thru my mind
the ideas never shut-up, inspiration is always churning
i pace the hardwood floors, my feet cooled by the autumns night air. another sleepless night

im anxious even though i've taken xanax, the anxiety is still here so i light up a cigarette, even thought i quit a year ago, thinking it might help, but it doesn't. it tastes awful and the smell lingers on my hands, and in my hair, on my clothes.

i glance at this reflection in the mirror and it sickens me. i thought by now, at my age, i would have everything figured out. i would have put out all the fires and burned all the demons that linger around just waiting to pounce on me in a moment of weakness.
i let myself get lost...

i thought by now i would have put to rest the regret, the shame, the guilt
the everything that is not so good in my life would be buried and forgotten...
but life doesn't work that way....
i need to feel good about 'me' again...

i need to love me again
before anyone else can
the words in my heart are full
and i need to cut them out
dismantle them and burn them
once and for all....
i need to embrace the 'simple' again and live in the moment. i need to quick getting ahead of myself in eager selfish gratification
and  shelter myself from the bitterness
the hardness, the cruelness of the world 

i need to grab that goodness in me that i know is there
and pull her back out
it's dark, the red tip of my cigarette is glowing
why won't you be good, i am good
im not bad, i don't care what your brain is telling you, you are not bad

i feel as if everything is teetering on the edge and i have no control 
 somewhere, somehow, i lost me....
i feel like a puzzle that has been tossed on the floor
and i just need to take one move, pick up a piece and start
piecing her back together again...
baby steps...
thats not so hard


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