August days....

wednesday begins as usual...grabbing my journal, my hazelnut iced coffee and heading to the back porch for my one to two hours of 'me' gather my thoughts....engulf myself into summer and to see what God has in store for me today.....
only alayna is here today so silence for thoughts are far and few between the questions....and chatter....
this month has been filled with 'days of alayna' snuggling, laughter, photoshoots and never enough room in my bed for the both of us.
she completely takes the whole thing over and im left with a tiny corner on the edge, and usually with no blankets...she steals them through out the i usually wake up numerous time shivering and struggling to grab a corner of the blanket that she has wrapped herself into like a spiders web. 
i will never tire of my days with her...
summer days with alayna are the best....
im reading a book titled, "If you find this letter" a memoir by Hannah Breancher. if you have a chance and are looking for some good reads i recommend you stop over by her anyways i came across this part in her book, that almost jumped out and me and screamed, suddenly everything made sense. So im going to leave it here on my page and hopefully it might help someone else put the pieces together in a way it has for me....
Some things should never start...some people should never know each others names. they should never stop, and talk, and laugh in empty hallways that carry an echo. no matter how much their friendship looks like poetry or fits like puzzle pieces, some people are better off staying as just a glance across the room that never leads to an introduction~
alone~finally saying goodbye was releasing the the fears that lived behind the word, tipping over and pouring out. i am afraid to leave. i am afraid to change. i am afraid to go alone. i am afraid you will forget me. i am afraid to find out i am the forgettable type.
but maybe that is why some people walk into your life-to tip you over and pour you out. maybe some people storm into your life just to tell you they're not suppose to be there. that you can't take them or anyone with you wherever you're going next. maybe not every person we encounter is a love story. maybe some are wake-up calls......
Hannah Brencher
this part of the book just reached out and grabbed me....ive been glued to her blog for the last 3 days and ordered her book which i received in the mail yesterday...honestly i cannot put it many good life lessons in this book...i highly recommend it to anyone!
she has a way with words that reach out and grab you, they pull you in, and you come out a different person
a better person....
everyday i hope to be a better version of myself, to touch someone that may leave them with a 
happy in their heart, a skip in their step and a feeling that life is good
that there being here is worthy and there is a purpose...



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