Clear sailing and blue skies

all the flowers of tomorrows
are in the seeds of today....
thursday is...
back porch morning iced hazelnut coffee and silence
expect for the humming of a lawn mower somewhere in the background, down the street aways....
and the locusts who never stop belting out a very soon they will be gone until winter and spring leave us behind once more and we eagerly anticipate once again the summer winds....

its quiet enough for me to sit comfortable in my thoughts today
things are clearer since i cleared out the junk in my head
so many of the things you want to tell someone often never spill out so
they stay locked up in secret rooms and become baggage
until you take the time to go thru them, the emotions, the feelings, the love, the sadness (its okay to be sad) just don't unpack and stay there forever....
 release it.....and treasure the good times
and throw the bad stuff is just too short to dwell on things that just are not there anymore....
which in turn brings me to, im writing a series of "Love Letters" to my children. Im very excited to share parts of my life with them that they do not know
im going to get down to the raw, the ugly and also the beauty of i see it unfold around me....
im enjoying the perfect warmth of summer today.
my summer flowers are not as perky as they were a few weeks ago..the toil of the heat is evident in the way they droop toward the ground....
im actually looking forward to autumn, September has always been one of my favorite months...
i love her less humid days and her cooler nights 
to sit on the back porch with something warm between my hands
and wrapped up inside a cozy blanket....
im longing for more than one day here and there to throw up the windows and doors and have the cool evening breeze blow across my bare i lay and stare out of the window in my bedroom....
so many wonderful things to look forward to in September....
back to school days
and my mamas 89th birthday
Halloween (has always been one of my favorite holidays)
the change of greens to bright oranges and yellows...
white pumpkins
and earlier sunsets


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