.........things i know to be true in my heart.............

all weekend long i've been a day ahead of myself....
today was humid and i feel as heavy as the weather...im almost ready to bid summer farewell and move on into autumn...and lazier days to just be....to snuggle on the couch with a good movie, perhaps a book that i can't get my nose out of...
simmering soups and fallen leaves
that people will tell you things and make you believe things that are not true for their own agenda
...dont assume you know someone...because nine times out of ten...you don't...
only rely on yourself (in the end, its all we really have)
cherish your true friends, they are rare (trust me on this one)
don't let anyone drag you down...if they want out of your life...let them go...they probably didn't deserve you in the first place...
always trust your first instinct (its usually right)
and then pray some more....
life is short, so forcus on the positive things...walk away from the negative, 
never stop searching for the beauty in the simple
always forgive....if you don't forgive then how can you expect Christ to forgive you? we all have a judgement day..this life is temporary, but eternal life is forever...
stand by your beliefs and don't let anyone come between what you know is right...

just a few things ive picked up over the last few months....


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